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Hearing at the Senate about the "School & Confidence" Bill

This Thursday the representatives of the Institut de la Langue Régionale Flamande ILRF-ANVT were asked for their opinion on the “School & confidence” bill in a hearing at the French Senate.

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Meeting at the Department for Education: high schools and West Flemish

Representatives of the Institut de la Langue Régionale Flamande ILRF – ANVT joined in the delegation of Fédération pour les Langues Régionales dans l’Enseignement Public for a meeting at the Department for Education.

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The West Flemish Dictionary released before Christmas

A brand new website for the ILRF-ANVT

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Le repas de Communion - pièce de théâtre transfrontalière en flamand


These news concern the evolutions and other informations concerning the web site.
These news concern the release of books, Flemisch CDs but also entertainment events (theater...)
The news concern events related to the Flemisch regional language.

Examples : music festival, languages committee...
These news concern the practice of flemish.

Examples : Flemish lessons, practice sessions...

Les actualités suivantes concernent directement l'institut.

Exemples: Assemblée Générale, Réunion au Ministère de l'éductation, ...