A brand new website for the ILRF-ANVT

The previous website of the Institut de la Langue Régionale Flamande ILRF-ANVT was getting a bit old ! As soon as the ILRF-ANVT was founded the members wished for a tool of communication such as the website www.anvt.org
The website has become more and more a must-see for the advocates and fans of our West Flemish regional language. Much information on the activities and actions of the ILRF-ANVT was available on the website : West Flemish classes, events, news, and… the online dictionary since 2012.
14 years later, we needed to upgrade this indispensable tool and make it evolutive (which it was no more). We sought advice from Baliztic, a professional company, and here’s the new website !
The layout has changed but the contents have remained the same so far. We’ll keep on working at it to gradually evolve and enrich its contents thanks to this new tool.
Enjoy your visit !