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APPEL "POUR QUE VIVENT NOS LANGUES » ! 10.000 personnes ont déjà signé cette pétition.
The situation of West Flemish classes in public schools this year is rather infuriating.
The second training course in linguistics started on Wednesday in Steenvoorde. It targets people willing to better know the history of our regional language.
This Friday evening Brouckerque hosted the Executive Board Meeting of the Institut de la Langue Régionale Flamande / Akademie voor Nuuze Vlaemsche Taele.
The associations involved in the promotion of regional languages at school were invited by Euro MP François Alfonsi and French MP Paul Molac, chair of the Study Group for Regional Languages and Cultures at the National Assembly, to take part in a meeting about the official schooling of regional langages in France.
Les actualités suivantes concernent directement l'institut.
Exemples: Assemblée Générale, Réunion au Ministère de l'éductation, ...