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La troupe du théâtre populaire pour la Flandre française de Flor Barbry est de retour pour une nouvelle saison avec la pièce "Van Blaeuwers en Trouwers" (De fraudeurs et de fiançailles).
The situation of West Flemish classes in public schools this year is rather infuriating.
Pupils and students go back to school, and so can Flemish learners. They have many options to learn West Flemish :
The second training course in linguistics started on Wednesday in Steenvoorde. It targets people willing to better know the history of our regional language.
On Saturday afternoon, under the most radiant sun, some 70 people attended the Rhetoricians’ Annual Conference in the inn "In d’Hope" in Volckerinchove. They read out and/or listened to 29 texts set both in West Flemish and French.